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Japan news

Япония и ее новости -> Japan news

    07.02.2008 05:36:08
    Right to assembly is undermined
    That's because a Tokyo hotel canceled a contract to let Nikkyoso use a large room and defied a court order that the hotel honor the contract. The hotel cited the fear that rightist groups might carry ...
    07.02.2008 05:36:05
    Sources of mercury-tainted tuna
    a recent article , Japanese say the best tuna comes from off the coasts of Japan. It is known that Japanese ships are present in the Mediterranean, off the coasts of Sicily, catching many tuna that ar...
    07.02.2008 05:36:03
    Five uncertainties about China's future
    It is indeed gratifying to note that the rapprochement between China and Japan initiated by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in late 2006 has continued under Fukuda. Both nations have come to apprec...
    07.02.2008 05:36:01
    Kremlin making mischief in the Balkans
    At every turn, Russia has challenged Western efforts to facilitate Kosovo's independence. After a year of negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, President Vladimir Putin's Kremlin rejected the U.N. m...
    07.02.2008 05:35:58
    Money wasted on road projects
    As a driver, I wouldn't mind paying the ¥25 gas tax if it wasn't being wasted on completely unnecessary pork barrel projects. Maybe Sasaki should come to the Ome/Okutama area and drive through th...
    07.02.2008 05:35:55
    Can't help being interventionist
    When it comes to foreign policy, there is no real significant difference between Democrats and Republicans. The record since well before World War II shows that the United States will continue to be i...
    07.02.2008 05:35:53
    From Painting to Environment"
    Takayasu Itoh's (1934-1985) transition to sculpture happened when the internal elements of his painting broke forth from the frame. The mini-retrospective "From Painting to Environment" at the Hyogo P...
    07.02.2008 05:35:47
    The individuals come together
    "Art is for the Spirit," showing at the Mori till April 6, brings together 140 works by 60 artists that are normally shown in 50 offices of the Swiss investment bank UBS that are located around the wo...
    07.02.2008 05:35:30
    Namco Bandai cuts profit forecast 38%, eyes closures
    Because of a slump in its amusement park business, Namco Bandai Holdings Inc. has cut its annual profit forecast 38 percent and will shut as many as 60 amusement facilities.
    07.02.2008 05:35:28
    Crown Princess panned for living high life
    First, Crown Princess Masako feasted on classy Mexican fare from a 13-dish special menu in her honor. Then it was roast duck and shark's fin soup at a top Chinese eatery. A month later, she enjoyed a ...

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    История Японии и ее эпохи

    О Японии || История Японии и ее эпохи

      22.10.2005 00:04:46
      Доисторическая Япония как она есть ( просмотров - 5258 )
      Японцы всегда интересовались собственными древностями. Подтверждением этому может служить обилие исторических сочинений, появлявшихся в Японии по крайней мере с VIII в. Этот интерес достаточно рано проявился и по отношению к артефактам, представлявших собой предмет коллекционирования.
      22.10.2005 11:42:29
      Яёй - Бронзово-железный век Японии ( просмотров - 1918 )
      В 1884 г. в районе Токио под названием Яёй-мати был найден сосуд, который позже был идентифицирован, как принадлежащий эпохе, пришедшей на смену Дзёмон. Приблизительно с 1896 г. понятие «керамика типа Яёй» прочно вошло в научный оборот.

      Архив "О Японии"


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